See the full feature on Wedding Bells.
Wedding Magazine: Kimberly (Kim) Aglipay at Weddingbells @weddingbellsmag - https://weddingbells.ca/
Bridal Gowns: Jule Lee at White Studio Bridal @whitestudiobridal - https://www.
Chair Rentals: Cheryl Baksi at Chairman Mills @chairmanmills - http://www.chairmanmills.
Event Designer: Jane Seo @whatjanecreates
Florist: Janet Son at Flora Symbolica @flora_symbolica - http://www.florasymbolica.
Hair Stylist: Sora Cho @soradoeshair
Jewellery Designer: Theresa Duong @theresaduongarts - https://theresaduong.com/
Linen: Kendra Bui at Linen Closet @linencloset - http://linencloset.ca/ Model: Juli
Kim @juliikim Paper Details/Calligrapher: Sally Chung @sallyjchung - https://www.etsy.com/ca/
Photographer: Julie Tang @ ___julieanna - https://www.julieannatang.
Tabletop Rental: Cynthia Martyn at Plate Occasion @plateoccasions - http://plateoccasions.com/
Venue: Taralea Cutler at McLean House, Estate of Sunnybrook @estatesofsunnybrook - http://www.estatesofsunnybro
Wedding Co-ordinator: Grace Park @_uponthislove